— 3 February 2024 —

Trude & Jan

We’re Getting Married!

What to bring & expect

St Arnaud is 1.15 hours away from a proper shop. The local garage sells some basic goods including ice, a very small selection of drinks and a ton of insect repellent.

Food-wise there is a small cafeteria as part of the garage, a fish n chip shop that has limited hours, but can open on request for larger orders, and a restaurant that is part of the Alpine Lodge (book in advance).

Most people know NZ weather, prepare for everything! It’s unlikely to get too cold unless late evening and will potentially be scorching sun or raining in the day.

There’ll be plenty of sunscreen and insect repellent at the venue, but suggest you come prepared if staying at other locations. Bean bags, games and dress ups are encouraged as well :)

Dress Code

Informally fabulous!


We will provide a modest amount of beer, wine, punch and a glass of bubbles for the toast from 3pm onwards on Saturday. If you are more than a 4 - 5 drink kind of person (you know who you are!) or have a hankering for a few glasses of bubbles, tequila shots or you want that Bloody Mary in the morning, then we strongly suggest you bring extras from Nelson/Picton.

Don’t forget you need to supply your own drinks on Sunday.


Dietary requirements - we have catered for people who’ve indicated dietary requirements via the website RSVP.

What we will provide

  • We will organise fish ‘n’ chips on Friday for those setting up

  • Nibbles, dinner and late night shnacks from 3pm on Saturday

  • Brunch on Sunday

  • Food truck on the Sunday (for those that have pre-ordered)

  • Leftovers for anyone awesome enough to help us clear and vacate on Monday morning


We really mean it when we say your presence is our present. However we have had requests and threats of gifts of kittens if we didn’t provide guidance (not that we mind but our cats might!).

For this we will have a wishing well and gift space at the venue, otherwise our account is:
T A Hellesland 03-0693-0226706-002